
Uhhh I still have this? Riigghhhttt....


The post during which I can't decide on a title so deal with it.

Walker Texas Ranger! Lololol.... That was probably my favorite Conan skit of all time, the Walker Texas Ranger lever.

Um also, I love cartoons.

Soo yeah, that's about what my summer adds up to. Which is why I can't wait for classes to start already! I'll be working like crazy though, and I need to quit at the library, so that I work 25 hours a week instead of 30... But alas, I'm too much of a wuss to tell my boss! :- (((

Uhhh me blogging = epic fail. No good no good.


The post during which I talk about music and film mostly, because honestly what else do I talk about?

I've suddenly remembered BitTorrent exists, and now my computer is paying the price. Nooo space... I really don't want to have to buy an external hard drive, so maybe I'll just force myself to purge. It's not like I can't redownload this stuff right? The hardest part is BitTorrent makes it soooo easy to download entire albums. I only want this one song on this one album but instead end up with 15 new songs.

Speaking of buckets of music, I volunteered at Radio 1190 today. Holy vinyl Batman! Thousands of records, all out of order. I worked for 2 and 1/2 hours and by the time I left they were only about half way done. I suspect that the worst was over though. Once we got a system in place everything went pretty well, and the CDs should be way easier (they're numbered! What a bright idea!). Records are particularly hard because all of the sleeves were falling apart, and you have to look at the front to figure out what it is. No reading the spines while on the shelf! You gotta take those suckers down. All 3,000 of them. Plus alphabetizing is a bitch. Trust me, it's all I've been doing at the library lately. There were some jems though. Rodney Dangerfield Raps. The Ghostbuster Soundtrack. Robert Goulet! Excellent.

I'm currently downloading 10 Woody Guthrie albums. Is that excessive? On the one hand, that's, what, like 150 songs? But on the other hand, it's Woody Guthrie. (I am secretly from the Great Depression. Shh don't tell anyone). All things considered, I would say that's pretty reasonable.

So I've discovered a new way to organize my music. Themed mixtapes! Dorky right? It actually works really well for me, because I have a hard time limiting what I put into a playlist, and end up just putting entire albums I like in. Instead what I've started doing is picking a theme like "animals" and then finding all the song titles, artist names and album titles with an animal in them. Then I choose which ones I actually like, and there you have it! It seems to work well because I get a good mix of types of music and artists, and also I rediscover a lot of songs I wouldn't normally listen to but enjoy. I'm having a hard time coming up with themes though. So far I have animals, colors, places and numbers. Suggestions? "Love" is obvious I guess, but I'm bitter so I'm avoiding that one. Ooh maybe I'll make a movie/soundtrack one...

Damn, I talk about music a lot. Instead of downloading music all summer I should be watching films so I can act like a smarty pants during my film classes. Ahh who am I kidding, I don't think I'll ever be the smarty pants in those classes. I could watch 1,000 of the greatest films ever made and there would inevitably be at least 3 kids who have watched 1,500 of the greatest films ever made.

I really should though. It's such a good tool to have seen a lot of films; it allows you to compare and contrast, connect and decipher. I just feel like it's pointless if it's not in a dark theater being projected with film. Not DVDs, FILM. Ya know, that stuff Kodak used to make before they started their campaign to put a cheap digital camera in the hands of every person aged 12 to 90. I become too distracted when I watch a DVD at home, and the quality is never the same. Or at least that's my opinion. It is a pretty hotly contested issue amongst the academics supposedly, but whatever, I'm sticking to my guns on this one: film is better.

Uh sorry. I'll stop preaching about film. Every now and then I realize how boring it must be for everyone who has to listen to me babble about film.

Current Favorites:
Payday (did anyone else ever play the boardgame? That was so cool...)
Google Reader

Least Favorites:
My boss Jill leaving :- (
Miley Cyrus


The post during which I show you some pictures from my recent trip to the Northwest.

Soo just got back from my trip! (Full disclosure: I got back almost a week ago. I'm just too lazy for this shit.) It was pretty fun. I already told you about the island and our little buddy, and after we left there we went to the Boeing factory (huge + awesome) and then Seattle. We weren't in Seattle for very long, but while we were there we went to UW for my bro, the original Starbucks (where we were accosted by a homeless man in brand new Ugg boots), Pike's Market, the Experience Music Project and the Science Fiction Museum. The Science Fiction Museum was AWESOME. Basically every Sci-Fi movie you've ever loved was represented in some way or another. They had everything from a model of the Death Star to one of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles to a klingon head... And the entire building was new and nice and interactive. I highly recommend it. Anyway, I'll post a few pictures from the trip, because as you should know by now I take a TON, and if you're actually interested (why?) I'll have some up on my flickr pretty soon.

U-Pick Strawberries! We had nine people picking... This wasn't even half of what we brought back...

A "beach" on San Juan island.

Supposedly you could see whales from here. Massive lie.

The hike up here was pretty intense, but the view was awesome.

The view from the beach in front of our house. I just wish it were warm enough to swim in!


Donatello! Unfortunately shortly after taking this I was told I couldn't take pictures anymore :-((( Thus the rest of my Sci-Fi pictures are on my phone!

Typical Space Needle shot.

The view of Seattle from the 76th floor on the second highest building on the west coast...

Sooo that's plenty of pictures right? Too many? Nahhh... Impossible.
Anyway, I'm back, and bored as ever. Let's hang out, yo! Gimme a call!

Current Favorites:
The Olympic Trials/Wimbledon. I've actually been watching these, believe it or not.
Purging/cleaning my room.

Current Least Favorites:
Not being in school (I'm a nerd, get over it).
Kellys/Chads who ruined the fireworks show by screeching and leaving a trail of beer cans.
The excessive boredom of summer.


The post during which I tell you about our buddy, the seal cub.

Sooo... Been on a trip. Actually on a trip. Sitting in a hotel in Redmond WA (headquarters of Microsoft and Nintendo!) and a little bit bored. I realized I'm not really good at this blog thing. I think it's because I think too much when I write these... what do they call them? "Posts"? Yeah, those things. I don't want to write something dumb, so I have to take time to do it.... Anyway, this isn't important enough to elaborate on any further....

Lets see, what have I been up to during this trip of mine? Well, I'm in Washington, not doing anything too special, with my brother, grandma, aunt and 5 of my cousins, just kinda bumming around. We went up to this little island in an archipelago inbetween Vancouver island and Anacortes, in the Puget Sound. It's called Lopez Island and it is TINY. Population, 2,200. We were staying in a beach house, but unfortunately this beach = (rocks + driftwood) - about 50 degrees Fahrenheit. It was goregous though, and the people there were pretty cool too. There were bald eagles all over the island, cute organic farms, and a bunch of wildlife. It was pretty boring though, mostly cause none of us are very outdoorsy. But, we found stuff to do. We went island hopping on two different occasions: to San Juan island and Orcas island. When we were waiting for our ferry to go to San Juan island, a woman approached the car and asked us to carry an injured baby seal cub to the island to give it to the wildlife center. It was FIVE DAYS OLD!! SOO CUTE!! Haha. Apparently due to "heightened security" animals are no longer allowed on the ferrys unless they are in a car, and since the car ferry fee is about $22 they just find someone already going to carry it with them and drop it off to a car waiting at the other ferry terminal. We were a little afraid it was a scam, but damn if you saw how cute that thing was you would break the law for it too! In fact, I'll show you...

CUTEST THING EVER? Easily. Uhhh soo lazy.... I'll finish writing about our trip later, but just know this people. We helped save the life of a baby seal. WHAT DID YOU DO?


The post during which I describe various aspects of the new Indiana Jones movie.

Oh man, I saw Indiana Jones 4 today....

Um spoiler alert.

Who thought they were gonna go the alien route? Seriously, what the hell Spielberg? Surprising as it was, it was still pretty badass. Aliens + Indiana Jones = All you need now are zombies. Mr. Ford was looking quite old though, and you could pretty much tell that's the only real reason Shia "The Beef" LaBeouf was there. Whenever it started to become a little too obvious that a 65 year old man couldn't pull it off, The Beef stepped in and carried the action of the movie. Which was fine by me. Good ol' fashioned pretty boy. Speaking of which, the Brando reference was so RIDICULOUSLY blatant when The Beef first drove up! I am all too aware that I am a film nerd and most people don't pick up on the old film references I do, so I'll go ahead and give you a side by side comparison...

Brando (From The Wild One):


Crazy, no? I guess it could be labeled as an "homage" or some bullshit like that, but I think it's just the easiest way to get the "greaser" idea across. But whatever, he's hot. And, I suppose there is still a portion of their fanbase who grew up in the 1950's and loved the original Indy movie who would understand the reference.

Overall though, I thought the movie wasn't completely terrible. But, it seemed like the writer would just write himself into these ridiculous situations, and then have to fall back on one of three crutches to wrap up the scene and move forward....

1. The crystal skull itself. Being chased by a ton of ants? It's cool, we got the skull y'all! Can't understand what your bestie is saying? No worries, the skull will give you the power to... notice that... his hand is moving? That one didn't make a whole lot of sense...

2. Have the crazy dude tell you. This one is pretty straight forward. Anytime they weren't sure what to do, the Ox (Oz? Az? I didn't ever really understand what they were saying...) dude would go all Bilbo-Gollum on them and spit out a riddle. Of course, Indy being Indy would immediately translate them so that us non-adventure-movie folk could understand his gibberish. Plus crazy dude gets to say whatever he wants. If it were the Beef saying all of this you'd sorta think, uhhh how does this greaser know what he's talking about, yo? But instead we're all, ohhh, he's crazy, it doesn't matter how he knows it, yo!

Eww, spider killin' time! Yuck... Anyway...

3. That one dude who's a traitor. Well, no he's not. But he kinda is. Mostly he's just a greedy son of a bitch. Basically meaning they need to explain how those commies know so much about Indy. Where he'll be, how he'll act, what he knows, etc. etc. etc....

But anyway, the movie itself was pretty much up to par with the past movies: interesting plot, well hated foreign groups, and Indy breaking those wacky Archaeologist stereotypes left and right. Plus it had the Beef, so that's pretty alright I guess. Plus aliens! Aliens with CRYSTAL SKULLS! That are MAGNETIC! So much so that even GOLD is suddenly magnetized! (Why was that by the way?) I just wish there had been some zombies and some dinosaurs... Or possibly zombie dinosaurs... I want one movie to encompass all good action/horror/adventure movies for me, which mean crazy adventures, zombies, ghosts, aliens, dinosaurs, car chases, spies, and something that you can never, NEVER feed after midnight. Although I suppose that last one is subject to change...

Anyway, given that they were making a 4th installment to one of the best action/adventure movie series of all time (and with a 65 year old action star no less), basically anything better than pure shit is a miracle. Anyone else remember The Mummy 2? Pure shit.

Hmm, well I think that's about enough of that.

Current Favorites:
Finding the perfect simple shirt for $10 (and buying several). Woohoo!
Today I kept thinking to myself "I wish I could combine GoogleMaps and the RTD trip planner!" and then I found out that someone beat me to the punch! And it was glorious. That makes me so happy.
Showering after camping for 3 days.

Current Least Favorites:
Fiberglass splinters
MTV (ruins everything!)
Spiders in my bed. Gross.


The post during which I kind of tell you about my tendency to collect old things

I think I might want to do this program after I graduate. Film archiving! I figure, combine my pack-rat tendencies and love for old crap with my love of film! We'll see though. My Mom has said to me, and I agree, that I should take a couple of years off to just work in the real world before making such a huge decision. Either way though, it's good to know that programs like that exist, so if this archival idea isn't just a phase that is an option.

Speaking of my love of old crap, I went to Salvation Army today. I was actually pretty disappointed though! There was a sale where anything that had been there for longer than a few weeks was 3 for a dollar. I went in thinking I'd hit the jackpot, but instead it was all pretty bad. Anything that was remotely worth buying was marked up. I think it's the curse of Boulder: They actually know this shit has value. It takes all the fun out of finding an awesome kitschy vintage plaid thermos when it costs $5! But on the plus side I bought two pairs of glasses for a dollar each to add to my newly formed glasses collection.

So yea, I've started a glasses collection. Wanna fight about it? The only problem is, I'm too poor to get my lenses put in, so for now I just get to admire them I suppose. I am gonna call around though, and see if I can get non-prescription lenses put in for cheap. Anyway, my count as of now is 8. Pretty good for having started it about a week ago aye? That's counting my two pair that I used to wear though, and also the three pair with prescriptions that aren't mine (aka 40-30ohsweetjesusmyheadhurts). So truthfully the count is at three. But if you take out the glasses I already have, then really it's two... But who's counting right? The point is I have a collection! Woo! It's all part of my Grandma persona. Before you know it I'll be collecting cat plates and Paul Newman stamps. (Actually there were cat watercolors at Salvation Army I would have bought just to laugh at, but they were like $5 each! What the Wiggles Boulder?! I will buy a lot of things just to laugh at but not for $5!)

I've been home for less than a week but it feels like a month. Sooo boooreeeddddd.....

Current favorites:
Jon and Kate Plus 8 (Haha, those kids are so freakin cute!)
Mixed Taste Lectures at The Lab at Belmar
Radio 1190 (Fingers crossed they'll call me about my volunteer application!)

Current least favorites:
Always missing the Skip by 30 seconds
Katie (my boss) leaving the lab!
John McCain and his new commercial


The post during which I pretend to know things about music but secretly I do not.

Hmm what shall I write for my very first post? How about I chat to you for awhile about music aye?

Being the summer and all, I generally spend my freetime reorganizing my music and finding more. I mean what else am I going to do? An idle mind is a dangerous thing after all, and I have to fill my time with something (why do you think I started this?). So it's pretty much music or thrift store shopping. I think I'd fall into a coma if I couldn't do either of those...

In my pursuit of keeping myself from sleeping 18 hours a day I've found some really great music, and I'll share it with you! Unfortunately, I just don't have the balls to post mp3s (yet) so for now you're going to have to settle with various links.

First off is "Gobbledigook" from Sigur Ros' new album,
Með suð í eyrum við spilum endalaust. Yeah, I had to Ctrl+c that shit. Anyway, the song is light and super fun. It has a very strong beat, which makes me want to bounce around. It's not quite dance music though... more like, car dance music. Just enough rhythm to dance with your torso, but not quite enough to throw your legs into the mix. And if my poorly scripted review isn't enough to get you to check it out then I'll tell you this: there are naked people in the video. LOTS of them. So if you like Icelandic boobies, (and who doesn't?) click on the link!

Ok, so this one doesn't have boobies, but does have a free mp3! It's all about give and take people. "Genevieve" is a song I didn't particularly like the first time I heard it, and as it came up on my ipod more and more I really started to appreciate it. It's by Chris Walla, the guitarist for Death Cab for Cutie, and although I find his voice to be just a little annoying, the melody is great. The very lo-fi sound really works in his favor also, because it allows the melody to help carry the song. If he added a bass and drums (or basso continuo if I want to get all fancy pants with my HUMN 1020 knowledge) it would have detracted from the core of the song. I think it also would have made his voice more annoying, although I'm not really sure why. But I said it anyway. Oh the freedom to promote unfounded opinions! Internet, you are the internetiest! (Phrase stolen from Bestweekever.tv)

Back to whatever it was I was rambling about... Ah yes, that darned electronica those kids keep blasting these days! Hellfire! (Phrase stolen from Angie) Crystal Castles. (Thank you Ladda!) I imagine that if you became trapped in a video game (à la Tron) then this is exactly what you would listen to all day, every day. Basically, if Justice were timemachined to 1984 and forced to make the music for the soundtrack to Revenge of the Nerds, it would more or less turn out like this. Shall I continue with the analogies? If Johnny 5 took up singing, he would sound like Crystal Castles. If the actual Atari game, Crystal Castles, played a song after every level, it would surely be composed by Crystal Castles. When R2-D2 was just a little baby droid, his mother would have sung Crystal Castle songs to help him fall asleep. Nerdy '80's references aside, this band really is quite teh awesome. It straddles the line between music you can't dance to but love to listen to, and music you have to dance to because it gets boring when you just listen to it. Case in point, "Untrust Us." Go czech it out, yo!

Finally, one of my new favorite bands, A Hawk and a Hacksaw. If you are a fan of any of the following, you should start downloading their music immediately (legally of course...):
Beirut, Sufjan Stevens, Devotchka, Neutral Milk Hotel (same percussionist), Broken Social Scene, Gogol Bordello, the soundtrack to Everything is Illuminated... or pretty much anything that sounds possibly Balkan or Gypsy folk-y.
So if that sounds enticing (which it probably doesn't because, lets face it, my sales skills are terrible) then you can start by listening to "Oriental Hora." But for real, they're so good I paid money to listen to their music. I NEVER pay money to listen to music. They're that amazing.

Well, it's been fun kids. I hope that in the very least, you can laugh at my first attempt at rambling about music, because if you can't even be laughed at, then what's the point?

That didn't make a lot of sense but whatever, I'm tired.

Annnddd by the way, I've decided that if I'm really going to be doing this "blogging" thing, I'm going to add a bit at the end of every post. Three current favorite things and three current least favorite things. Mostly cause I like any excuse to make a list. So here goes!

Current favorites:
Eugene Hutz
The Venture Brothers season 3

Current least favorites:
Living at home over the summer
Flaky people
The lack of RTD near my parent's houses