
The post during which I talk about music and film mostly, because honestly what else do I talk about?

I've suddenly remembered BitTorrent exists, and now my computer is paying the price. Nooo space... I really don't want to have to buy an external hard drive, so maybe I'll just force myself to purge. It's not like I can't redownload this stuff right? The hardest part is BitTorrent makes it soooo easy to download entire albums. I only want this one song on this one album but instead end up with 15 new songs.

Speaking of buckets of music, I volunteered at Radio 1190 today. Holy vinyl Batman! Thousands of records, all out of order. I worked for 2 and 1/2 hours and by the time I left they were only about half way done. I suspect that the worst was over though. Once we got a system in place everything went pretty well, and the CDs should be way easier (they're numbered! What a bright idea!). Records are particularly hard because all of the sleeves were falling apart, and you have to look at the front to figure out what it is. No reading the spines while on the shelf! You gotta take those suckers down. All 3,000 of them. Plus alphabetizing is a bitch. Trust me, it's all I've been doing at the library lately. There were some jems though. Rodney Dangerfield Raps. The Ghostbuster Soundtrack. Robert Goulet! Excellent.

I'm currently downloading 10 Woody Guthrie albums. Is that excessive? On the one hand, that's, what, like 150 songs? But on the other hand, it's Woody Guthrie. (I am secretly from the Great Depression. Shh don't tell anyone). All things considered, I would say that's pretty reasonable.

So I've discovered a new way to organize my music. Themed mixtapes! Dorky right? It actually works really well for me, because I have a hard time limiting what I put into a playlist, and end up just putting entire albums I like in. Instead what I've started doing is picking a theme like "animals" and then finding all the song titles, artist names and album titles with an animal in them. Then I choose which ones I actually like, and there you have it! It seems to work well because I get a good mix of types of music and artists, and also I rediscover a lot of songs I wouldn't normally listen to but enjoy. I'm having a hard time coming up with themes though. So far I have animals, colors, places and numbers. Suggestions? "Love" is obvious I guess, but I'm bitter so I'm avoiding that one. Ooh maybe I'll make a movie/soundtrack one...

Damn, I talk about music a lot. Instead of downloading music all summer I should be watching films so I can act like a smarty pants during my film classes. Ahh who am I kidding, I don't think I'll ever be the smarty pants in those classes. I could watch 1,000 of the greatest films ever made and there would inevitably be at least 3 kids who have watched 1,500 of the greatest films ever made.

I really should though. It's such a good tool to have seen a lot of films; it allows you to compare and contrast, connect and decipher. I just feel like it's pointless if it's not in a dark theater being projected with film. Not DVDs, FILM. Ya know, that stuff Kodak used to make before they started their campaign to put a cheap digital camera in the hands of every person aged 12 to 90. I become too distracted when I watch a DVD at home, and the quality is never the same. Or at least that's my opinion. It is a pretty hotly contested issue amongst the academics supposedly, but whatever, I'm sticking to my guns on this one: film is better.

Uh sorry. I'll stop preaching about film. Every now and then I realize how boring it must be for everyone who has to listen to me babble about film.

Current Favorites:
Payday (did anyone else ever play the boardgame? That was so cool...)
Google Reader

Least Favorites:
My boss Jill leaving :- (
Miley Cyrus

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