
The post during which I show you some pictures from my recent trip to the Northwest.

Soo just got back from my trip! (Full disclosure: I got back almost a week ago. I'm just too lazy for this shit.) It was pretty fun. I already told you about the island and our little buddy, and after we left there we went to the Boeing factory (huge + awesome) and then Seattle. We weren't in Seattle for very long, but while we were there we went to UW for my bro, the original Starbucks (where we were accosted by a homeless man in brand new Ugg boots), Pike's Market, the Experience Music Project and the Science Fiction Museum. The Science Fiction Museum was AWESOME. Basically every Sci-Fi movie you've ever loved was represented in some way or another. They had everything from a model of the Death Star to one of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles to a klingon head... And the entire building was new and nice and interactive. I highly recommend it. Anyway, I'll post a few pictures from the trip, because as you should know by now I take a TON, and if you're actually interested (why?) I'll have some up on my flickr pretty soon.

U-Pick Strawberries! We had nine people picking... This wasn't even half of what we brought back...

A "beach" on San Juan island.

Supposedly you could see whales from here. Massive lie.

The hike up here was pretty intense, but the view was awesome.

The view from the beach in front of our house. I just wish it were warm enough to swim in!


Donatello! Unfortunately shortly after taking this I was told I couldn't take pictures anymore :-((( Thus the rest of my Sci-Fi pictures are on my phone!

Typical Space Needle shot.

The view of Seattle from the 76th floor on the second highest building on the west coast...

Sooo that's plenty of pictures right? Too many? Nahhh... Impossible.
Anyway, I'm back, and bored as ever. Let's hang out, yo! Gimme a call!

Current Favorites:
The Olympic Trials/Wimbledon. I've actually been watching these, believe it or not.
Purging/cleaning my room.

Current Least Favorites:
Not being in school (I'm a nerd, get over it).
Kellys/Chads who ruined the fireworks show by screeching and leaving a trail of beer cans.
The excessive boredom of summer.

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