
The post during which I tell you about our buddy, the seal cub.

Sooo... Been on a trip. Actually on a trip. Sitting in a hotel in Redmond WA (headquarters of Microsoft and Nintendo!) and a little bit bored. I realized I'm not really good at this blog thing. I think it's because I think too much when I write these... what do they call them? "Posts"? Yeah, those things. I don't want to write something dumb, so I have to take time to do it.... Anyway, this isn't important enough to elaborate on any further....

Lets see, what have I been up to during this trip of mine? Well, I'm in Washington, not doing anything too special, with my brother, grandma, aunt and 5 of my cousins, just kinda bumming around. We went up to this little island in an archipelago inbetween Vancouver island and Anacortes, in the Puget Sound. It's called Lopez Island and it is TINY. Population, 2,200. We were staying in a beach house, but unfortunately this beach = (rocks + driftwood) - about 50 degrees Fahrenheit. It was goregous though, and the people there were pretty cool too. There were bald eagles all over the island, cute organic farms, and a bunch of wildlife. It was pretty boring though, mostly cause none of us are very outdoorsy. But, we found stuff to do. We went island hopping on two different occasions: to San Juan island and Orcas island. When we were waiting for our ferry to go to San Juan island, a woman approached the car and asked us to carry an injured baby seal cub to the island to give it to the wildlife center. It was FIVE DAYS OLD!! SOO CUTE!! Haha. Apparently due to "heightened security" animals are no longer allowed on the ferrys unless they are in a car, and since the car ferry fee is about $22 they just find someone already going to carry it with them and drop it off to a car waiting at the other ferry terminal. We were a little afraid it was a scam, but damn if you saw how cute that thing was you would break the law for it too! In fact, I'll show you...

CUTEST THING EVER? Easily. Uhhh soo lazy.... I'll finish writing about our trip later, but just know this people. We helped save the life of a baby seal. WHAT DID YOU DO?

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