
The post during which I pretend to know things about music but secretly I do not.

Hmm what shall I write for my very first post? How about I chat to you for awhile about music aye?

Being the summer and all, I generally spend my freetime reorganizing my music and finding more. I mean what else am I going to do? An idle mind is a dangerous thing after all, and I have to fill my time with something (why do you think I started this?). So it's pretty much music or thrift store shopping. I think I'd fall into a coma if I couldn't do either of those...

In my pursuit of keeping myself from sleeping 18 hours a day I've found some really great music, and I'll share it with you! Unfortunately, I just don't have the balls to post mp3s (yet) so for now you're going to have to settle with various links.

First off is "Gobbledigook" from Sigur Ros' new album,
Með suð í eyrum við spilum endalaust. Yeah, I had to Ctrl+c that shit. Anyway, the song is light and super fun. It has a very strong beat, which makes me want to bounce around. It's not quite dance music though... more like, car dance music. Just enough rhythm to dance with your torso, but not quite enough to throw your legs into the mix. And if my poorly scripted review isn't enough to get you to check it out then I'll tell you this: there are naked people in the video. LOTS of them. So if you like Icelandic boobies, (and who doesn't?) click on the link!

Ok, so this one doesn't have boobies, but does have a free mp3! It's all about give and take people. "Genevieve" is a song I didn't particularly like the first time I heard it, and as it came up on my ipod more and more I really started to appreciate it. It's by Chris Walla, the guitarist for Death Cab for Cutie, and although I find his voice to be just a little annoying, the melody is great. The very lo-fi sound really works in his favor also, because it allows the melody to help carry the song. If he added a bass and drums (or basso continuo if I want to get all fancy pants with my HUMN 1020 knowledge) it would have detracted from the core of the song. I think it also would have made his voice more annoying, although I'm not really sure why. But I said it anyway. Oh the freedom to promote unfounded opinions! Internet, you are the internetiest! (Phrase stolen from Bestweekever.tv)

Back to whatever it was I was rambling about... Ah yes, that darned electronica those kids keep blasting these days! Hellfire! (Phrase stolen from Angie) Crystal Castles. (Thank you Ladda!) I imagine that if you became trapped in a video game (à la Tron) then this is exactly what you would listen to all day, every day. Basically, if Justice were timemachined to 1984 and forced to make the music for the soundtrack to Revenge of the Nerds, it would more or less turn out like this. Shall I continue with the analogies? If Johnny 5 took up singing, he would sound like Crystal Castles. If the actual Atari game, Crystal Castles, played a song after every level, it would surely be composed by Crystal Castles. When R2-D2 was just a little baby droid, his mother would have sung Crystal Castle songs to help him fall asleep. Nerdy '80's references aside, this band really is quite teh awesome. It straddles the line between music you can't dance to but love to listen to, and music you have to dance to because it gets boring when you just listen to it. Case in point, "Untrust Us." Go czech it out, yo!

Finally, one of my new favorite bands, A Hawk and a Hacksaw. If you are a fan of any of the following, you should start downloading their music immediately (legally of course...):
Beirut, Sufjan Stevens, Devotchka, Neutral Milk Hotel (same percussionist), Broken Social Scene, Gogol Bordello, the soundtrack to Everything is Illuminated... or pretty much anything that sounds possibly Balkan or Gypsy folk-y.
So if that sounds enticing (which it probably doesn't because, lets face it, my sales skills are terrible) then you can start by listening to "Oriental Hora." But for real, they're so good I paid money to listen to their music. I NEVER pay money to listen to music. They're that amazing.

Well, it's been fun kids. I hope that in the very least, you can laugh at my first attempt at rambling about music, because if you can't even be laughed at, then what's the point?

That didn't make a lot of sense but whatever, I'm tired.

Annnddd by the way, I've decided that if I'm really going to be doing this "blogging" thing, I'm going to add a bit at the end of every post. Three current favorite things and three current least favorite things. Mostly cause I like any excuse to make a list. So here goes!

Current favorites:
Eugene Hutz
The Venture Brothers season 3

Current least favorites:
Living at home over the summer
Flaky people
The lack of RTD near my parent's houses

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