
The post during which I kind of tell you about my tendency to collect old things

I think I might want to do this program after I graduate. Film archiving! I figure, combine my pack-rat tendencies and love for old crap with my love of film! We'll see though. My Mom has said to me, and I agree, that I should take a couple of years off to just work in the real world before making such a huge decision. Either way though, it's good to know that programs like that exist, so if this archival idea isn't just a phase that is an option.

Speaking of my love of old crap, I went to Salvation Army today. I was actually pretty disappointed though! There was a sale where anything that had been there for longer than a few weeks was 3 for a dollar. I went in thinking I'd hit the jackpot, but instead it was all pretty bad. Anything that was remotely worth buying was marked up. I think it's the curse of Boulder: They actually know this shit has value. It takes all the fun out of finding an awesome kitschy vintage plaid thermos when it costs $5! But on the plus side I bought two pairs of glasses for a dollar each to add to my newly formed glasses collection.

So yea, I've started a glasses collection. Wanna fight about it? The only problem is, I'm too poor to get my lenses put in, so for now I just get to admire them I suppose. I am gonna call around though, and see if I can get non-prescription lenses put in for cheap. Anyway, my count as of now is 8. Pretty good for having started it about a week ago aye? That's counting my two pair that I used to wear though, and also the three pair with prescriptions that aren't mine (aka 40-30ohsweetjesusmyheadhurts). So truthfully the count is at three. But if you take out the glasses I already have, then really it's two... But who's counting right? The point is I have a collection! Woo! It's all part of my Grandma persona. Before you know it I'll be collecting cat plates and Paul Newman stamps. (Actually there were cat watercolors at Salvation Army I would have bought just to laugh at, but they were like $5 each! What the Wiggles Boulder?! I will buy a lot of things just to laugh at but not for $5!)

I've been home for less than a week but it feels like a month. Sooo boooreeeddddd.....

Current favorites:
Jon and Kate Plus 8 (Haha, those kids are so freakin cute!)
Mixed Taste Lectures at The Lab at Belmar
Radio 1190 (Fingers crossed they'll call me about my volunteer application!)

Current least favorites:
Always missing the Skip by 30 seconds
Katie (my boss) leaving the lab!
John McCain and his new commercial

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